I want to register DCOM account. What are the steps and requirements?
Discy Latest Questions
I do not know what my password is to log into DCOM App.
Where can my receiver claim cash pick-up after I made transaction via DCOM?
Asked: In: Send money
Can I know how long will it take for my remittance to be credited in Philippine banks?
How can I refer my friends and acquaintance to use DCOM service?
Can I withdraw money from my DCOM account using DCOM card at ATM Yucho?
When will my DCOM Card expire?
How can I log into my DCOM account using DCOM App?
What is the transaction limit in DCOM?
Asked: In: Service fee and Exchange rate
Are there any difference in DCOM’s Remittance Fee or Service fee for both Cash Pick-up and Account deposit?